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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy And Addiction: A Powerful Healing Combination

Addiction is a serious physical and mental health concern that can lead to a variety of problems, including depression and anxiety. Cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT can help beat it on its own terms.

How Family Therapy Helps After The Death Of A Parent

Even though we all have had problems with our parents in the past, there is usually love there. That's what makes a parent's death so difficult for so many families. It can often tear them to shreds and leave them without much help of recovery. Family the…

4 Signs To Seek Depression Counseling

Depression is a very misunderstood illness. Often many people think that having depression just means feeling very sad due to highly stressful situations going on in one's life. They do not see it as an actual illness. As a result, there are many who do n…

Can Couples Counseling Save A Marriage After An Affair?

When people get married, they swear to love each other "till death do us part." Unfortunately, affairs from either member of the marriage can cripple it and threaten to destroy that precious union. Is there any way that couples counseling can save a marr…

PTSD And Depression After Losing A Pregnancy Are Not The Same

There are very few things in life more traumatic than losing a pregnancy. For many women, this can cause a feeling of extreme depression and trauma. However, depression and PTSD are not quite the same things here, though they may be treated in similar way…

PTSD Therapy

PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is a condition caused by exposure to a traumatic event. Many people believe that PTSD can only happen to soldiers as they experience wartime atrocities. This is not true. Any trauma can cause this condition, from w…

You Are Not Alone- Depression Counseling

Depression is a mental illness that keeps growing through the country, and lots of people get help, either through medication or counseling. Medication can help lessen the effects, but counseling can help as well.

Has Your Family Lost Everything? Family Therapy Can Help

Losing everything in a bankruptcy is a problem that has occurred in far too many promising families. That's why it's crucial to get family therapy during this time. While it might seem like a cost you can't afford, it may just save your family and inspire…

Couples Counseling for New Parents

As if it isn't bad enough that the new parents are stressed, sleep deprived, and starting to resent each other, often times the couple are too tired and short on time to even bother with working on their marriage. Thus, the romance inevitably dies, commun…

Anxiety; When It's Helpful and When To Get Help

Anxiety is a fact of life, and it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Sometimes anxiety can be a great benefit; it can heighten our senses in situations that could become dangerous. It can also help you meet a deadline for work or school. Anxiety can be a hel…