Anxiety Counseling: Holistic Approaches to Battling Anxiety
Jan 05, 2017
is a very common struggle which thousands of individuals battle on a
daily basis. Finding coping mechanisms is incredibly important,
especially when you are aware that anxious
thoughts can plague you at any given moment. By following a few of these
tips and putting them into practice regularly you can greatly diminish
your chances or having a panic attack or becoming too anxious to
function normally on a day-to-day basis. Along with regular talk-therapy these tips have been known to work wonders.
1. Utilizing essential oils. Try taking a bath with some lavender essential oil and epsom salts. Diffuse a mixture of lavender and frankincense, take some deep breaths. Soak your feet in warm water with ten drops of rose essential oil, this is especially useful for pregnant women.
2. Practicing deep breathing. The
fact is some of us forget to breathe through stressful situations.
Learning to use deep breathing techniques when we find ourselves in a
tight spot can change our outlook and how we handle it completely. It's
as simple as inhaling for five counts, holding it for five counts, and
exhaling for five counts. Give it a try next time you feel your top is
about to blow.
3. Replenish your magnesium levels. Studies
have shown that in recent years, with the rise of genetically modified
wheat, and other grains which would typically be a sufficient
source of magnesium, we are greatly depleted of this important mineral.
In several case studies where antidepressants either failed or were
never used at all, where a steady magnesium
regimen was put in place depression and anxiety became radically better
if not completely obsolete. By making a habit of taking magnesium daily
and improving your diet to include more whole foods, you can hugely
diminish stress.
Hopefully by trying all or some of these three tips you can begin to alleviate your stress entirely.
us and learn how our experienced team can help you manage your anxiety.