How Family Therapy Can Help A Child Who Just Found Out They're Adopted
Feb 23, 2017
a child at their birth is a great way to take them out of a potentially
negative situation. However, revealing their adoptive state to them
later in life may cause some serious problems. Here's how
family therapy can help you and your child cope.
Help The Child Understand Their Parents
Children who find out
they are adopted often struggle from feelings of abandonment from their
original parents. This can cause severe antagonism between them and
their adopted parents. Family therapy can help
identify reasons why their original parents put them up for adoption and
help them move through the difficult steps of recovery.
Break Through Negative Communication Patterns
Antagonism between
adopted parents and their children is often exacerbated by negative
patterns of communication. Often they fall into these patterns without
realizing it and allow themselves to be harmful or
even abusive towards each other. Family therapy identifies those
communication patterns and teaches ways around them.
Makes A Child Feel At Peace With Their Family
Adopted children may
feel isolated or alienated from their adopted family, even if they've
grown up with them their whole lives. Family therapy will identify the
source of those feelings and help a child come
to peace with their role in an adopted family and learn how to
appreciate them.
To learn more about family therapy and how it can help you, please don't hesitate to contact us today. We can help you and your family get through
a variety of difficult situations and bring you closer together.
Category: Family Therapy
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