Seeking Guidance in the Rough Times (Part 1)
Mar 29, 2018
One of the major signs of mature adulthood is knowing when
to ask a professional. When the breaker box is sparking, your
sore throat doesn't get better, or the satellite dish detaches in a
storm are all great examples of when it's time to seek professional
help. The same rule applies to emotional turmoil
and unusually stressful situations. When you get in over your head and
start to worry about making the right decisions, often the smartest
thing to do is seek a little professional counseling. Even if it's only
for a few sessions, your chosen counselor can
help you talk your way through your concerns and offer sound advice on
handling whatever life is currently throwing at you.
Leaving Home
everyone leaves home at the same time, and everyone has their own
reasons for leaving early or staying longer. No matter when you make the
transition or why,
leaving your parents (or guardians) and the home you grew up in can be
challenging. Even if you're glad to be gone, it can be difficult and
often upsetting to make such a drastic life change.
people try to deal with all of these feelings on their own based on a
sense of pride, and if this works for you, that's great! However, if the
anxiety is starting
to get to you, an hour or two talking with a personal counselor can help
you put things in perspective and positively aim your thoughts toward
the future.
Trouble with Loved Ones
are thousands of uniquely different ways to experience personal
troubles with close friends or family. From relationship mistakes to
substance abuse, it can
be hard to be at odds with the people you love, especially if they are
difficult to approach. It's a common misconception that those with 'the
problem' are the ones that should go to counseling, but that is not
always the case.
fact, usually the one who 'goes to therapy' is a responsible involved
adult who as acknowledged that they are in an overwhelmingly personal
situation. From their
counselor flows good advice, and possibly suggestions to see more
specialized professionals if the issue in question has become medical or
counseling is a great way to handle the bumps in your life responsibly,
sort through your feelings, and come out the other side stronger. Join
us next
time for the second half of this two-part series where we talk about the
stress of starting a new job and what counseling can do for you. If
you're going through some hard times right now and would like to talk,
please contact
me soon. I'm always ready to listen.
Category: Depression Counseling
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