5 Questions to Ask to Help Your Partner with Anxiety
Apr 23, 2020
When you first begin a relationship with a person who suffers from anxiety, likely, you do not fully understand what their condition is like for them. Loving someone with anxiety can be an exceptionally rewarding relationship, but without proper education and experience it can feel overwhelming. Anxiety can be as isolating to the sufferer as it is on those around them.
When you feel like there is nothing you can do to help someone grappling with anxiety try asking these simple questions.
1. Do you want to go for a walk?
It seems simple, but exercise is an effective way to improve your mood and handle anxiety. Going for a walk or hitting the gym provides a physical outlet for your emotions as well as helping to keep your body regulated.
2. Have you tried writing it down?
Journaling is an incredible tool for those with a tendency to overthink. Taking the time to write out how your feeling forces you to pause and reflect, providing a therapeutic experience for those who utilize the technique.
3. Can you tell me what the worst-case scenario is?
This is a common technique used in cognitive behavioral therapy. You imagine the worst possible situation, allowing your anxiety to play out fully. Only to realize that eventually even those worst-case scenarios will come to pass.
4. What are you happy about today?
Practicing gratitude is beneficial for anyone, not only those with anxiety. Taking a moment each day to say what you are thankful for is a beneficial grounding exercise that puts the focus on the positive aspects of your life.
5. Do you want me to go to counseling with you?
If you feel like you can't completely understand your partner's anxiety and it is getting in the way of your relationship's growth this can be an important step. Counseling is an incredible tool designed to focus your individual experiences and provide a coping mechanism for your unique issues. Jodi Mitchell provides thoughtful counseling sessions focused on identifying the triggers for an individual's anxiety and changing thought patterns to avoid these negative thoughts. Contact her today to learn more about her approach to anxiety counseling.
Try incorporating these
questions and techniques into you and your partner's daily routine to
provide some well-deserved relief from the stresses of anxiety.