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How Family Therapy Can Bring You Closer Together

​It can be easy to sweep family disputes under the rug and hope they will go away on their own. But family issues can run deep, leading to serious problems such as depression, anxiety and even separation or estrangement. Here are some ways family therapy …

Depression and Self-Care: Finding a new hope.

Somehow, we have this idea that depression is only there or only valid when things are critical. But that simply is not true. The truth is that you can be struggling and still be carrying on. If we resist the urge to fall apart, it seems like everyone j…

Counseling When You're Too Anxious to Get Help

There's no doubt that therapy can be one of the most effective ways to combat anxiety. Medication can keep the shaking and the racing heart at bay, but it can't teach you how to reshape your anxious thoughts into more rational ones. But for many people, g…

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Isn't so Scary

Lots of people hear the words cognitive behavioral therapy and they immediately think of serious mental defects. But this is just not true. Cognitive behavioral therapy is making its way into everyday counseling sessions and into group discussion. It is j…
oral therapy is making its way into everyday counseling sessions and into group discussion. It is … family counseling