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I Need You

The love is recoverable with the proper perspective and willingness to invest in your relationship what it needs to mature through the tests of time.

Can Couples Counseling Save A Marriage After An Affair?

When people get married, they swear to love each other "till death do us part." Unfortunately, affairs from either member of the marriage can cripple it and threaten to destroy that precious union. Is there any way that couples counseling can save a marr…
dedicated partners and the skilled hand of a couples counselor

Couples Counseling: Can it Help?

There are some questions that a person may ask themselves before considering couples counseling. Can couples counseling help me and my partner? It can help with a variety of issues to help rebuild and repair your relationship to help make it stronger tha…
d families There are other issues that a couples counselor should be able to help with… this is not an exhaustive list. Seeing a couples counselor can help improve your communication skill

How to Rebuild a Relationship with Couples Counseling

Communication doesn't just mean talking. In order to effectively communicate, you and your partner must feel heard. If you feel like you aren't being heard by your partner or if your partner keeps telling you that you aren't listening, it might be time to…

Couples Counseling: What to Expect and How it Helps

Any person married for a long time understands that marriage can be difficult. Of course, it is always a labor of love. But what can we do when we feel that we can longer communicate with the person we vowed to love forever? The answer may be in couples c…
en you walk into your first session with a couples counseloro any problems you and your partner have. A couples counselor will begin by asking what has been going o

Couples Counseling When You Missed Major Red Flags due to Game Playing

If you followed a dating coach's frivolous advice or read some self-help books before you got married, don't beat yourself up. But couples counseling often comes to the rescue if you missed major red flags when dating your spouse. Experts point out there …

Couples Counseling: Rekindle the Feelings You Had on Your Honeymoon

​If you've been through some challenging times as a couple, it can be helpful to work things out in counseling. One of the activities counselors may suggest is rekindling your relationship by returning to things you liked to do together in the first stage…

We Aren't Weak... Do We Really Need Couples Counseling?

​You don't have to go far to know that there is a strong stigma surrounding couples counseling. Movies, television shows, social media, and other popular media outlets lead us to believe that counseling is for weak couples with nowhere else to turn. You m…

How Couples Counseling Can Save Relationships

Everyone has heard the phrase, "The key to a healthy relationship is communication." Due to improved communication - thanks to couples counseling, each person may become more aware of what their partner's needs are. The reason for this is that in counseli…