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Break Out of Old Patterns to Have a Successful Relationship

​Many couples could do with couples counseling, but it's not something that they consider going in for. This might be because they don't want to share what's going on in their marriage/relationship with a third person. Maybe they feel embarrassed about th…
Many couples could do with couples counselingmore great reasons why you should go in for couples counseling.

Couples Counseling: Working Through Circumstances Together

​People can be very complex creatures full of feelings and emotions that tend to change from time to time. Love is a topic that has its own complexities as well. When complex creatures are mixed with the complexities of love, there are bound to be some di…
g that may very well be remedied. Using Couples Counseling to Recover Love Coming to a few bumps in t…e a priority and contact a professional in couples counseling to help you start rebuilding your relation

Couples Counseling: Rekindle the Feelings You Had on Your Honeymoon

​If you've been through some challenging times as a couple, it can be helpful to work things out in counseling. One of the activities counselors may suggest is rekindling your relationship by returning to things you liked to do together in the first stage…

We Aren't Weak... Do We Really Need Couples Counseling?

​You don't have to go far to know that there is a strong stigma surrounding couples counseling. Movies, television shows, social media, and other popular media outlets lead us to believe that counseling is for weak couples with nowhere else to turn. You m…
can benefit from couples counseling to rebuild any part of their relationship.… So what can Couples Counseling do for you… couples counseling can help you identify patterns of communic

Is "Happily Ever After" Possible?

The answer is yes! There is always hope! However, unlike the fairy tales and movies that told us relationships were easy, rebuilding a relationship is a very difficult thing to do. You have to be willing to work at it, and work hard. Here are some key …

CBT & Couples Counseling

Communication is key to healthy relationships, but putting it into practice may seem like a nearly impossible task. Let's explore why it can be so difficult to effectively and positively communicate with a partner, and how Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CB…
during Couples Counseling can help. The Loop of Unhealthy Partner C… which is an important step in Couples Counseling. Couples often look back at the hurtf

How Couples Counseling Can Save Relationships

Everyone has heard the phrase, "The key to a healthy relationship is communication." Due to improved communication - thanks to couples counseling, each person may become more aware of what their partner's needs are. The reason for this is that in counseli…
come obstacles and save the relationship. Couples counseling can help your relationship by creating a neu… couple back to a productive conversation. Couples counseling provides people the opportunity to open up

Supporting Your Partner During Difficult Times

When an unexpected crisis surfaces and shakes up a person's life, it can cause fear and vulnerability. If a person is trying to protect themselves, then they may view their vulnerability as a weakness, which can be frustrating if their partner is trying t…